

本文摘要:Wuxi has become a domestic leader in putting the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)-based network into large-scale use, according to a statement by the municipal government on Sept 10.据无锡市政府9月10日的一份声明称之为,该市已沦为大规模用于互联网协议第6版(IPv6)的国内领先者。

Wuxi has become a domestic leader in putting the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)-based network into large-scale use, according to a statement by the municipal government on Sept 10.据无锡市政府9月10日的一份声明称之为,该市已沦为大规模用于互联网协议第6版(IPv6)的国内领先者。IPv6 is the sixth version of the Internet Protocol (IP) developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to deal with the problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. It is intended to replace IPv4.IPv 6是因特网工程任务组(IETF)为解决问题IPv 4地址消耗问题而研发的因特网协议(IP)的第六版。其目的是要代替IPv 4。

Building the IPv6-based network was elevated into a national strategy in an action plan for promoting the large-scale deployment of IPv6 issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council.在中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅公布的增进大规模部署IPv6的行动计划中,基于IPv6的网络建设被提高为国家战略。As a demonstration city for developing the next generation internet, Wuxi launched IPv6 trials in 2009 and began to put it into large-scale commercial deployment in 2012.作为研发下一代互联网的样板城市,无锡在2009年启动了IPv6试验,并在2012年开始大规模商业部署IPv6。The city has solved a large number of key technical problems, promoted more than 50 commercial properties of IPv6 applicable in internet devices, formulated a series of technical standards and acquired a number of invention patents.目前该市早已解决问题了大量的关键技术问题,推展了50多项IPv6商用性能限于于互联网设备,制订了一系列技术标准,并取得了多项发明专利。

Wuxi has been on a fast track of IPv6 growth since last year. China Telecoms Wuxi branch took the lead in upgrading the citys internet infrastructure with IPv6 this August with a Fiber optic broadband network and a wireless network.自去年以来,无锡仍然正处于IPv6快速增长的较慢轨道上。今年8月,中国电信无锡分公司首度用IPv6升级了该市的互联网基础设施,建设了光纤宽带网络和无线网络。

As a result, a total of 500 million netizen in the city have access to IPv6-based Internet.最后,无锡全市共计5亿网民终端了基于IPv6的互联网。Wuxi has currently achieved full deployment of IPv6-based Internet, which will provide abundant address resources for the upcoming 5G network construction and a good online environment for extensive application of the new generation of information technology in areas such as the internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing.无锡目前已全面部署基于Ipv6的互联网,将为将要来临的5G网络建设获取非常丰富的地址资源,为新一代信息技术在物联网、云计算等领域的广泛应用获取较好的在线环境。Gao Yaguang, deputy mayor of Wuxi, said that the city will seize the opportunity brought by IPv6 to boost advanced development of the new generation of the information industry and continue to support the growth of the IoT industry in Wuxi.无锡市副市长高亚光回应,该市将逃跑IPv6带给的机遇,推展新一代信息产业的先进设备发展,之后反对无锡市物联网产业的发展。

