

本文摘要:Installation was completed on the worlds largest radio telescope on Sunday morning as the last panel was fitted into the center of the big dish.上周日上午,随着最后一块面板被取出极大镜面的中心,世界仅次于射电望远镜的加装工作月完结。

Installation was completed on the worlds largest radio telescope on Sunday morning as the last panel was fitted into the center of the big dish.上周日上午,随着最后一块面板被取出极大镜面的中心,世界仅次于射电望远镜的加装工作月完结。Hoisting of the last triangular panel to the reflector, which is the size of 30 football fields, began at 10:47 a.m. and lasted about 40 minutes. The telescopes planned launch of operations is in September.从当天上午10点47分开始,经过40分钟的时间,最后一块三角板顺利吊装到了反射器上。

该望远镜接管面积相等于30个足球场那么大,并计划将于9月投入使用。About 300 people, including builders, experts, science fiction enthusiasts and reporters, witnessed the installation at a karst valley in Pingtang County in the southwestern province of Guizhou.还包括建筑商、专家、科幻爱好者和记者在内的总计大约300人,亲眼目睹了在西南部贵州省平塘县岩溶山谷展开的装配工作。

Scientists will then begin debugging and trial observation of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), said Zheng Xiaonian, deputy head of the National Astronomical Observation under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.中科院国家天文台副台长郑晓年回应,科研人员将开始对这个500米口径球面射电望远镜展开调试,后用它展开预备性观测。The project has the potential to search for more strange objects to better understand the origin of the universe and boost the global hunt for extraterrestrial life, said Zheng.他回应,该项目有助找寻更加多无法解释天体,从而更佳地理解宇宙起源并推展全球对地外生命的探寻。

Zheng said the radio telescope will be the global leader for the next 10 to 20 years.郑晓年说道,这一射电望远镜将在未来10至20年维持世界一流的地位。Upon completion, the telescope will dwarf Puerto Ricos Arecibo Observatory, which is 300 meters in diameter. It will also be 10 times more sensitive than the steerable 100-meter telescope near Bonn, Germany, he said.该望远镜已完成后,将使波多黎各阿雷西博天文台直径为300米的望远镜相形见绌。


