
澳门新莆京游戏app大厅|每秒400T! 中国光纤传输逆天突破再度刷新纪录!

本文摘要:Chinese firm FiberHome has developed a type of optic fiber that can transmit 400 terabytes of data per second, breaking the world record for the amount of data that can be transmitted on optic fibers, the company said.中国公司烽火通信近日回应,该公司研发出有一种每秒可以传输400兆兆字节(T)数据的光纤,超越了光纤传输数据量的世界纪录。

Chinese firm FiberHome has developed a type of optic fiber that can transmit 400 terabytes of data per second, breaking the world record for the amount of data that can be transmitted on optic fibers, the company said.中国公司烽火通信近日回应,该公司研发出有一种每秒可以传输400兆兆字节(T)数据的光纤,超越了光纤传输数据量的世界纪录。Such capacity would allow for simultaneous phone calls by 4.8 billion people and the transmission of 40,000 blue-ray high definition movies (10 gigabytes per movie) in one second, according to the company based in Wuhan, the provincial capital of central Chinas Hubei province.这家总部坐落于中国湖北省首府武汉市的公司回应,这样的传输能力可以让48亿人同时通话,1秒钟内可传输4万部蓝光高清电影,每部电影的数据大小为10千兆字节。

The transmission of 400 terabytes of data is accomplished on multi-core mono-mode optic fiber, which can be simply understood as breaking down the fiber into multiple paths to enhance transmission capacity, according to technicians.技术人员称之为,已完成400T数据的传输要基于多芯单模光纤,后者可非常简单解读为在一根光纤中修筑了多条分段道路,从而提高传输能力。Such expansion in transmission capacity is a welcoming development amid growing demand for high speed transmission of data for virtual reality, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and other emerging technologies.随着虚拟现实、物联网、云计算及其他新兴技术对高速传输数据的市场需求大大减少,此类传输能力的提高是一项大受欢迎的研发成果。

